All the cemeteries that match the name you entered within the state (and county, if you selected that as well) will come up a list. In the example we're using, it shows the burial is currently in Forest Lawn Glendale, or as Find A Grave refers to it, Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale).
The radio button on the list of cemeteries is what shows you which cemetery the burial is currently in. To change it to a different cemetery, just click on the radio button next to another cemetery. In the example we're using, we select Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills, or as Find A Grave refers to it, Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Hollywood Hills).
Click on
Save Changes once you've selected the correct cemetery.
This will move the burial to a different cemetery without changing any of the other information (dates, relationships, photos, etc - although it will change the main cemetery photo attached to the memorial, which it's supposed to).
Once you've saved the burial changes, you should return to the memorial screen. If you changed the attached cemetery, the memorial will now show the new cemetery at the bottom, with a new city, county, or state listing, depending on what the extent of your changes were. If there was a cemetery photo attached to the memorial (as opposed to a marker photo), the cemetery photo should change to reflect the new cemetery. Note, if you move a memorial from a cemetery that has a photo attached to the cemetery to a cemetery which has no photo attached, the cemetery photo will simply disappear once you've moved the memorial.