Lookup by Find A Grave Cemetery ID

What is a Find A Grave Cemetery ID?

If you are looking at the main page for a cemetery on Find A Grave, at the bottom of the header section (this is the cemetery name, address if they have it, location, etc., with the number of "memorials" associated with that cemetery) there is a line labeled "Cemetery ID" with a number after it. This is the unique ID that Find A Grave uses to identify that particular cemetery.

Once you know this cemetery ID, you can use that as a shortcut to get to a particular cemetery without having to search their whole cemetery database to get to it. That's the URL that I have coded into the cemetery pages on my system which can take you right to the URL for a particular cemetery in Find A Grave.

I find it's handy to be able to look this up. I've hoovered up a lot of find a grave memorials into my database and it's easier to do if I can quickly look up the Find A Grave cemetery and see if I've created a corresponding cemetery in my system.

Be aware that not everything in my database that is listed as a cemetery has a corresponding entry in Find A Grave. Clarence Darrow, for example, was scattered in a lagoon in a park next to the Chicago Musuem of Science and Industry. That's not a "cemetery" as such, but if I'm ever there I will want a reminder that some tiny smidgeon of Clarence Darrow's constituent atoms might still be in the neighborhood.

Also, my dispositions such as "Lost or Buried at Sea" do not have a cemetery ID on Find A Grave. FAG obviously has something that functions like a cemetery ID for those entries, but that ID is masked when you export people records from FInd A Grave with that disposition. Find A Grave does let you search for people who are not listed as buried in a cemetery, but doesn't let you get more granular than that (cremated, buried at sea, etc.)

Most of my cemetery entries have been updated to show the Find A Grave cemetery ID if there is one. If you see a line on one of my cemetery listings that says "Cemetery Find A Grave Page" and there is a number highlighted in blue to the right of that phrase, that is the cemetery ID and clicking on the blue link will go to that page. If I have a line but there is no number to the right of it, there is no Find A Grave cemetery that I know of for the cemetery entry in my database.

If you don't see a line on one of my cemetery entries that says "Cemetery Find A Grave Page" than it is in one of the older formats published last year or earlier that hasn't been updated yet. I have most of the entries updated now but not all of them. You can still lookup one of those cemeteries with the new cemetery lookup option you just won't be able to see the find a grave cemetery ID for that cemetery until I update the page for that cemetery.

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