Geography Links

An International Glossary of Place Name Elements (Google Books)
Convert Lat and Long to DMS
(Convert decimal lat/long to Degrees Minutes Seconds)
Cornish Place Names Dot Wikidot Dot Com (Cornwall England UK)
Fife (Scotland) Place Names Database at the University of Glasgow
This site has lists of post codes for different countries. More importantly to me, it lists a lot of district names and city names that are hard to find.
Get Latitude and Longitude at
This site lets you put in an address and get the corresponding geo coordinates.
Lat Long Distance Finder
Enter two sets of coordinates and find the straight line distance between them
Maphill Dot Com
(Maphill is a little hard to navigate but it has politcal maps of a lot of foreign countries which include lower level administrative units such as the equivalenents of US counties, I have found it useful when researching foreign places)
Mob Rule
Oddly named site but it overlays county boundaries on sites like Google Maps, can be quite useful at times
Querying the Canadian Geographical Names Database
This is a Canadian government website that shows how some of the lower level administrative units in Canada are organized
USPS Postmaster Finder
(I found this site looking for defunct US zip codes, it seems to be a good resource to find what cities or towns used to belong to no longer used zip codes and doesn't involve buying a database of historic zipcodes from a company for several hundred dollars)

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