Searching for people associated with this place: 3510 % Result set has 3 rows. Return to Places Search Screen
People_ID Name Father's Surname Mother's Surname Birth Death Cemetery City County State Country Cemetery Section Lot Space
709508Crabbs, Erna 1925/11/302018/6/29Forest Lawn Memorial ParkGlendaleLos AngelesCaliforniaUSAVale of Faith7473
260326Hirschinger, Emanuel HirschingerSchwartz1863/4/81944/9/28Forest Lawn Memorial ParkGlendaleLos AngelesCaliforniaUSAGM, Gardenia Terrace, Columbarium of Protection012444
661609Jurgens, Curd Gustav Andreas Gottlieb Franz1915/12/131982/6/18Wiener ZentralfriedhofSimmeringWienViennaAustriaGruppe 32C54