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People Names and Dates

Full Name Jane Downen Carson
AKA Full Name
People ID 675395
First Name Jane
AKA First Name
Middle Name
AKA Middle
Surname Carson
AKA Surname
Father's Surname Downen
Mother's Surname Smith
Gender Female
Full Birth Date If Known 1804-02-03
Birth Year 1804
Birth Month 2
Birth Day 3
Full Death Date If Known 1855-04-22
Death Year 1855
Death Month 4
Death Day 22

Events, Dates and Places

No events added for this person yet

Event Date Geo Top Level Geo 2nd Level Geo 3rd Level Geo 4th Level Geo 5th Level Notes


Relationship Related To Relative's People ID Relative's Birth Year Relative's Death Year Other Date (typically Marriage Date)
Daughter ofJosiah Downen66901917401802
Daughter ofMary Elizabeth Smith Downen66904517471835
Sister ofJob Downen66902017651842
Sister ofHanna Downen Dixon66903917701820
Sister ofWilliam Downen6690431774
Sister ofTimothy Downen66847417771828
Sister ofJosiah Downen66904417801845
Sister ofMartha Downen Price Crunk67539717841855
Sister ofElizabeth Downen Calvin67539817841821
Sister ofPolly Downen Lacey67539617841820
Sister ofDavid Downen66783717881838
Wife ofCharles Hamilton Carson67541617971873

Military Service
No military service added for this person

Rank If Known Or Highest Or Final Rank Branch of Service Beginning Date if Known End Date if Known

Military Actions Served During

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Interment, Inurnment or Memorialization Information

Cemetery Old Union Cemetery
Address SW corner of Overpass Road and Wolfinger Road
City/Town Marrs Center
County/District Posey
State/Province Indiana
Postal/Zip Code 47620
Country/Principality USA
Property Type
Has Marker
No Marker
Is Cenotaph
GPS/LatLong Coordinates
End of Interment RecordIf there are additional interments or cenotaphs for this person they will appear below

Inscription Information

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Other Information

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Small notes (field in database                      
50 characters max)
There are some disagreements about her birth year
Family Search ID GMT8-BWC
Find A Grave 1 11580034
Famous per Find A Grave
Famous per Consensus
Find A Grave 2
Find A Grave 3
BillionGraves Record ID
Other websites
Record Entry Date 2019-11-03 19:36:59
Record Last Edit Date 2019-11-03 19:36:59

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