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Full Name Harry Peter MacNab Brown
AKA Full Name
People ID 705008
First Name Harry
AKA First Name
Middle Name Peter MacNab
AKA Middle
Surname Brown
AKA Surname
Father's Surname Brown
Mother's Surname Hiles
Gender Male
Full Birth Date If Known 1917-04-30
Birth Year 1917
Birth Month 4
Birth Day 30
Full Death Date If Known 1986-11-02
Death Year 1986
Death Month 11
Death Day 2

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I periodically do audits of the "famous" memorials in find a grave for Forest Lawn Glendale, and this guy came to my attention again yesterday, for all the wrong reasons.

Here is a link to the record of the person in Forest Lawn Glendale who could be him, but is unlikely to be him based on the reasons I list below: Harry Brown.

When I scraped the Forest Lawn website and Find A Grave in 2011, there was a memorial for this man there, it was memorial number 4978. As of the end of 2018 that memorial had disappeared and was replaced by the memorial number that I currently show.

There are two huge red flags with this person in terms of them actually being in Forest Lawn. First, there is no marker photo attached. Second, there is no plot location identified. Since Forest Lawn Glendale has over 330,000 burials, inurnments and entombments, if no one can find a plot location for this guy, he will never be found unless he actually is there and someone just stumbles across him, which is slightly better than a one in a million chance considering how many people are in this cemetery.

My other concern is that the Forest Lawn records show a woman next to Harry Brown named Laura Elizabeth Brown. At the time of his death, his wife was named June, not Laura. The Forest Lawn records showed she died in July 1986, but they may be wrong. But it's also very likely there isn't a match because this is not the right Harry Brown.

While I was researching this I found several obituaries for Harry. He was a pretty well known writer, having won an Oscar for the screenplay for "A Place in the Sun.". He did die in Los Angeles but none of the obituaries list his burial place.

I also find the original missing memorial very suspicious as well. It's quite difficult to get a lot of stuff corrected on "famous" find a grave memorials. Normally when it turns out someone is not actually buried in a particular cemetery their memorial gets changed to a burial unknown or a cremated, "whatever" disposition. So it's very strange that the original memorial was deleted, rather than just changing the burial disposition.

I'm just posting this here because I don't worry much about Find A Grave any more, there are some contributors I share information with or try to help out, but I don't interact with the admins any more than I have to after they did some particularly nasty stuff back in 2015. And considering so many of their "famous" memorials are just trainwrecks in terms of accuracy or good information, it's amazing that I worry about them at all.

Forest Lawn Glendale famous people that find a grave thinks are buried there who aren't
Small notes (field in database                      
50 characters max)
Family Search ID M6Y9-57S
Find A Grave 1 203505598
Famous per Find A Grave Yes
Famous per Consensus Yes
Find A Grave 2
Find A Grave 3
BillionGraves Record ID
Other websites
Record Entry Date 2021-10-04 15:09:13
Record Last Edit Date 2021-10-04 15:09:13

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